30 Apr Endurance Innovation 50 – Sean Peterson
Andrew’s former university professor Sean Peterson is on the show this week to talk about research and his study of athlete cooling.
- 3:30 academic papers in the time of COVID
- How can we see so many studies with such fast turn-around times when it typically takes months to get a paper published
- Utility overrides rigor in some cases
- 16:00 the fluid mechanics of disease transmission
- 17:30 Sean’s thoughts on the now-famous Dutch / Belgian analysis of COVID spread during running and cycling as published on Medium.
- 20:30 the risks of transmission when training indoor vs outdoor
- Outdoors, there is a lot of air mixing, diluting the concentration of viral particles in the airflow
- Indoors, the air is stagnant and transmission is much easier
- 28:00 Sean’s study of the efficacy of athlete cooling in hot and humid environments
- Subjects cycled at 60-70% of FTP under 30C and 70% humidity for 45 minutes
- Cooling accomplished by exposing the inner forearm to a temperature of 5C
- Test group saw a mitigation in core body temperature rise by 0.5C / hour compared with control group
- RPE also lower under cooled conditions vs control
- 43:00 the possible difference in the effect of cooling between males and females
- 46:30 the reason why repeated tests are not common in engineering or physiology
- Funding and publishing incentives discourage non-novel studies
- 51:00 Michael’s least favourite experimental setup
- 52:45 DRDC study torture story
- 54:00 academic funding
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